ASP Logo Baton Cap F-Series


• Replaces standard Friction Loc cap
• 66 standard Prestige insignias available
• Brass, Nickel Silver or color fill insignias


The Logo Cap replaces the standard cap on any ASP F-Series Baton, and features a gold finish band around the edge an inset medallion that’s exquisitely crafted and finished in brass, or colored enamel fill.

Choose from a wide variety of in-stock law enforcement and military insignia, ASP company and training/instructor logos, and state seals. Full custom logo service is also available for your agency or organization.

Additional information


ASP Eagle, ASP Eagle Certified, Strike Force, Police Officer, Deputy Sheriff, Red Arrow, Security Officer, Tactical Team, K9, Army, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard, Air Force, Great Seal, State Seal


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